Board Advisory

Support to individual NEDs, CEOs and Chairs

Support to entire boards building structures 

Diversified boards - Diversified boards are needed to fully grasp all risks and opportunities in a rapid changing world. The tone at the top has impact on the corporate culture

The Chair - The new role of the Chairman. A new approach to leadership when operating diversified boards. Utilizing all individual skills to reach success

Need for speed - Governance and compliance are key, but main focus need to be on the opportunities of tomorrow. An outside-in perspective supporting the CEO and Management

Corporate Governance

  • Legal aspects, fiduciary duties, and accountability
  • The ideal structure of the board year
  • What to expect from each NED
  • What to expect from the Chairman
  • Business intelligence – how to identify future trends
  • Financial control vs. strategic planning
  • Identifying key skills needed on the board to excel
  • Support and yearly evaluation of the CEO

The business owner perspective

  • Assistance in identifying your long term goals for your business
  • Based on above, help to identify the skills needed for your journey ahead
  • Should you go for a corporate board or an advisory board?
  • Owners will - what framework would be ideal to set for your board?
  • Corporate Governance structures, responsibilities and regulation
  • Identify your role as an entreprenuer in the new structure of your company

The new role of the Chairman

  • How to manage diversified boards
  • Leadership skills and inclusion in the boardroom
  • How to organize and plan each board meeting
  • Board dynamics – what happens between the meetings?
  • The relationship with the owners
  • The relationship with the CEO
  • Business intelligence - how to stay ahead of the curve
  • The value of advisory boards and committees
  • The auditor is you best friend
  • Get the board aligned - how to priorities and agree on the most pressing issues
  • Board evaluation

New in the board room

  • What to expect
  • Obligations and responsibilities
  • The purpose of the board
  • Financial control
  • Strategic planning
  • Business intelligence
  • Contributions
  • What you can demand from the Chair and operations
  • Team work, respect and alignment